Sebrajag 2024 / Zebra Hunt 2024

Jaggeleentheid Aan SAJWV Wesrandtak Lede --> Inskrywingvorm

Ons is opgewonde om jou 'n buitengewone geleentheid te bied om deel te neem aan ons eksklusiewe Sebra-jag gelukkige trekking. Een gelukkige wenner sal die geleentheid kry om op 'n opwindende Sebra-jag op 'n plaas, net 35 km voor Lephalale, langs die ou Vaalwaterpad, te gaan. Die jagdatum is 30 Augustus 2024 tot en met 1 September 2024. U moet beskikbaar wees vir die tyd. 

Koördinate van plaashuis ->

As 'n blyk van waardering vir hul deelname, sal die gelukkige wenner die geleentheid kry om die Sebra se vel as 'n onvergeetlike trofee te behou. Die vleis van die jag sal egter sorgvuldig verwerk en aan 'n waardevolle liefdadigheidsorganisasie geskenk word, met die doel om 'n positiewe impak op minderbevoorregtes te maak.

Om aan die trekking deel te neem, hoef jy net vir R100 per inskrywing in te skryf. Jou inskrywingsfooi dra by tot die algehele prys en help om ons liefdadigheidsinisiatiewe te ondersteun. Die wenner sal 'n allesomvattende pakkie geniet, wat hul reis-, verblyf-, en jagkoste dek. Dit is 'n avontuur wat jy nie wil misloop nie!

Jagnaweek: 30 Augustus 2024 - 1 September 2024

Om jou plek te verseker, moet jy die totale bedrag voor die sluitingsdatum en -tyd in die Westrand-takbankrekening betaal. Moenie vergeet om die bewys van betaling na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. te stuur nie, en gebruik jou lidnommer en die sleutelwoord "Zebra" as verwysing.

Die opwindende oomblik waarvoor ons almal gewag het - die trekking vir die gelukkige wenner - sal plaasvind gedurende ons algemene jaarvergadering op 29 Julie 2024. Jy MOET teenwoordig wees om the kwalifiseer. So, ding nou in vir jou kans om te wen en deel te wees van hierdie buitengewone ervaring wat opwindende avontuur met teruggee aan die gemeenskap kombineer. Veels geluk aan alle deelnemers! Registrasie van inskrywing aan die einde van die artikel

Sluitingsdatum - 29 Julie 2024 12:00 (12h00 NM)

SAHGCA (Wesrand / West Rand)
Bank :  Nedbank
Tak : Sandton - Kode Code: 197005
Rekeningnommer :  1970790288

Hunting Opportunity To SAHGCA West Rand Branch Members --> Entry Form

We're excited to offer you an extraordinary opportunity to participate in our exclusive Zebra hunting lucky draw. One lucky winner will have the chance to embark on an exciting Zebra hunt at a farm located just 35 km before Lephalale, along the old Vaalwater road. The hunt date is between 30 August 2024 and 1 September 2024. You would need to be available for this date.

Coordinates to the hunting lodge ->

As a token of appreciation for their participation, the lucky winner will be allowed to keep the Zebra's skin as a memorable trophy. However, the meat from the hunt will be thoughtfully processed and donated to a worthy charity, making a positive impact on those in need.

To join in the draw, simply enter for R100 per entry. Your entry fee contributes to the overall prize and helps support our charitable initiatives. The winner will be treated to an all-inclusive package, covering their travel, accommodation, and hunt expenses. It's an adventure you won't want to miss!

Hunt Weekend: 30 August 2024 - 1 September 2024

To secure your spot, make sure to submit the total amount to the Westrand branch bank account before the closing date and time. Don't forget to send proof of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., using your member number and the keyword "Zebra" as reference.

The exciting moment we've all been waiting for - the draw for the lucky winner - will take place during our annual general meeting on 29 July 2024. You MUST be present at the meeting to qualify. So, enter now for your chance to win and be a part of this extraordinary experience that combines thrilling adventure with giving back to the community. Good luck to all participants! Registration of entry below this article

Closing date - 29 July 2024 12:00 (12h00 PM)

SAHGCA (Wesrand / West Rand)
Bank :  Nedbank
Branch: Sandton - Kode Code: 197005
Account number::  1970790288

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