Maandeliks op die laaste Dinsdag van die Maand
Plek: Discovery Rolbalbaan
Tyd: 18:30 vir 19:00

Daar is by elke takaand 'n bekende jag- of bewaringspersoonlikeid wat met ons sy/haar gedagtes kom deel oor aspekte wat ons almal se liefhebbery raak (hetsy dit vuurwapens, jag of bewaring raak - omgewingsbewaring is ook 'n gesogte gespreksonderwerp).

'n Donasie van R10-00 word van elke lid wat die takaand bywoon gevra om in die bewaringsfonds te stort.  Bewaringsfondse word aangewend as skekings vir verdienstelike bewaringsprojekte of -programme.  'n Voorbeeld is die oorhandiging van R11,000 (foto onder) aan die Veterinêre Genetiese Laboratorium by Onderstepoort om die werkssamhede van die Renoster-DNA-databasis te befonds omdat ons van mening is dat hierdie instansie die regsteun is wat ons nodig het om die wettige internasionale handel in renosterhoring in Suid-Afrika verantwoordelik van stapel te stuur.

By takaande word die belangrikste huishoudelike aangeleenthede bespreek en is daar altyd 'n lekker gesellige braai na die tyd - vure beskikbaar en elke tweede maand is daar ook so 'n bietjie bykosse by wat deur die tak voorsien word.  Die klubhuis is oop vanaf 18:00.

Aanwysing na die Discovery Rolbalbaan Klub


Monthly on the last Tuesday of the Month
Place: Discovery Bowls Club
Time: 18:30 for 19:00

At each branch evening there is a well known hunter or conservationist who comes and shares his/her thoughts on aspects related to our well loved passtime (be that firearms, hunting or conservation - enviromental conservation is also a favoured topc).

A donation of R10-00 is asked of all who attend branch evenings, which amount is put into our condservation fund.  We donate funds from the conservation fund to worthy conservation projects or programmes which the branch supports.  An example of which is depicted in the photo below where the branch handed over R11,000 to the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at Onderstepoort for management of the Rhino-DNA-database, which we believe is the institution which presents the best backup for us to initiate a responsible international trade in rhino horn in this country.

The most important elements of branch management are also dicussed at branch evenings.
The is always a braai afterwards with fire provided.  Every second month the branch donates some extra foodstuffs to make the evening even more enjoyable.  The clubhouse is open from 18:00.

Direction to the Discovery Bowling Club



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